Boat flags are an essential part of safe boating. They signal to other boats and the Coast Guard what your intentions are and help you communicate with others on the water.
There are many different types of boat flags, and it can be confusing to know which one to use in which situation. This blog post will serve as a complete guide to American boat flags, so you can be confident using them correctly. Read on to learn more!

What Is An American Boat Flag

An American boat flag, also known as a US maritime ensign, is the United States national flag used for boats registered under U.S. law.
It features thirteen equal horizontal stripes alternating between red and white, with a blue canton featuring fifty pointed white stars arranged in rows.

What Are The Uses Of An American Boat Flag

American boat flags are used for different important purposes. These are:

Communication And Signal

The most important use of an American boat flag is for communicating and signaling. Boats will fly a specific type of flag to communicate with other vessels and the Coast Guard. For example, when sailing in a foreign port, an American boat flag may indicate that the vessel is requesting permission to enter or leave the port.


It is used to identify a vessel’s nationality, position, destination or intentions when entering or leaving port. It can also be used as a signal of distress, for friendly recognition between vessels or to indicate a vessel’s nationality in an international waterway.


American boat flags are also flown as a sign of respect and honor for important events such as national holidays, commemorating important people or marking a ship’s return home after a voyage.
No matter what purpose you use the flag for, it is important to fly it correctly. This includes ensuring that it is not tangled or in disarray and is held securely.

The Different Types of American Boat Flags

us flag store
While there is only one national flag of the United States, other flags may also be displayed from boats in US territorial waters. This is to indicate different purposes. These are the most common flags you may come across:


The most common flag of the United States, the ensign, is used to indicate national identity. It should be flown from the stern when sailing in US territorial waters.


A courtesy flag is typically smaller than an ensign and should be flown from the bow or foremast to signify respect for other countries' flags when sailing in their waters.


The burgee is an identifying flag flown from the bow or mast of racing boats. It usually has a triangular shape and may feature the club’s crest, logo or name.

House Flags

House flags are flown from vessels to indicate the vessel’s owner or operator. It typically contains the company’s logo, name or initials.

Signal Flags

Signal flags are used to communicate between boats and include international and private signals. These flags usually have a distinctive pattern with one letter in each corner.
By familiarizing yourself with the different American boat flags, you can use them correctly and ensure a safe trip out on the ocean.

American Boat Flags Sizes

best american flags
American boat flags come in various sizes, each suited to its specific purpose. A larger flag can be seen farther distances than a smaller one and will be more likely to draw attention from authorities or nearby vessels.
  • The US Coast Guard considers the smallest acceptable size for any boat to be at least 8x12 inches, although larger boats may require larger flags.
  • 20x30 inch flags are common for vessels up to 65 feet long
  • 30x48 inch flags are suitable for cruisers and ships over 65 feet in length.
    Larger pleasure crafts and commercial crafts should use even bigger flags accordingly. When embarking on a voyage, it is always essential to make sure your American boat flag is visible from far away so as not to run afoul of local regulations or attract unwanted attention.
    Ultimately, using the correct flag size can help ensure you remain secure on the open water.

    American Boat Flag Etiquette

    Boat flag etiquette in the United States can be complex since international and federal requirements exist.
    According to maritime law, vessels must display a distinctive national ensign visible from all sides of the boat. This signal should be hoisted aloft when the craft is underway, and it is typically left up until sundown before being lowered for the night.
    Additionally, other flags may also be flown on boats in US waters, such as courtesy flags for foreign nations or military branch signals for members of the armed services. It’s important to recognize these secondary signals correctly so as not to offend fellow sea travelers and ignorance of proper procedures could lead to untoward scenarios between different boat owners.
    Therefore, American boaters should make sure they understand boat flag etiquette before they set sail ahead of time to show respect and protect themselves from potential misunderstandings on the open water.
    By understanding the different types of American boat flags, their purpose, size requirements and etiquette regulations, you can stay safe and respectful while on the ocean. It’s important to be familiar with these rules so you can have a safe trip with minimal hassle.
    With proper knowledge and preparation, you will be able to enjoy your time out on the water and explore the world of American boating.
    Jacque Alec